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The village of Lugar prides itself in the industrial heritage which enabled it to develop, grow and flourish. The village is now located within the local Council region of East Ayrshire, and the local church is an integral part of Ayr Presbytery. The villagers in Lugar in the 19th Century were considered to live within the parish of Auchinleck, until the Church was established, and opened in Lugar. It was then made a ‘Quoad Sacra’ parish, a parish served by its own church located within the parish, in that it stood on its own as the Parish of Lugar.


The Church in Lugar is Presbyterian, Church of Scotland, and was linked with Old Cumnock Old church in 1990, when the then minister of the Old Church in Cumnock assumed clerical responsibility for both congregations and parishes. The Church of Scotland being the established, but free national church in Scotland, has a responsibility for all inhabitants of the parish who do not have an association with any other Christian denomination or other faith system. The church therefore engages with the whole community, whether religious or secular.


It has been the case that the church building and hall, which is located in Logan village, have been made available to all individuals and groups of the parish. Celebrations, parties, concerts, anniversaries, social gatherings, special commemorations, and acts of worship have all been hosted within the buildings which are in the care of the congregation. Close connections between the primary school in Logan, community groups and the church community have resulted in positive cooperation to the benefit of the wider community in general.


The Kirk Session of the church has been considering the development of the church and hall buildings to make both more accessible to the wider community throughout the week and year. To this end the church hall, being refurbished, can be used for groups such as wedding receptions, family gatherings, community groups and events. The Church in Lugar is also undergoing development to ensure its opening every day rather than just on Sundays and days when funerals or weddings are being conducted.


The church becoming a ‘hub’ for many activities in and around the area will provide start and finish points for walks along the river Lugar, as car parking, toilet facilities and refreshments will be available. Within the building the introduction of a café and a heritage information centre, centred on the industrial heritage story, the involvement of William Murdoch, a local born engineer, local mining, the Covenanters’ presence and sacrifice in the area, as well as natural heritage will all be elements that will serve to bring to life a rich history of the people and the area of the parish. The facilities are all disabled friendly and can be accessed by all. 


The current minister of the parish is Reverend John Paterson, the first minister to be called to the linked charge of Lugar linked with Old Cumnock Old. He was called to the charge in 1994.


Lugar Parish Church welcomes visitors to its buildings and to worship which takes place in the Church on Sundays at 10:00am.   


The Memorial was moved into the church grounds from its original roadside location due to safety concerns and is unusual in that it lists those who served and returned as well as commemorating the fallen.


Reverend John Paterson BSc.BD.DipEd


Lugar Parish Church

Craigston Square


KA18 3EX


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